I was dragged kicking and screaming into this store. And then I spent $50 on stuff I had to have because I just couldn't imagine my life without it!!!
This store really is amazing. While the prices can be a little much, the sales are good and some of the stuff you just really didn't know you needed but will now make your life so much more wonderful. What made my life 100 times better you ask? Well...the ladies all know how fun curling irons are and how when you put them away you end up with melted plastic all over them. or that long trip to the airport where you have to hold it to put it in the suitcase at the last minute because it is to hot. Well... for the price of $17 my friend, you can have a container that you can put your hot curling iron in and never have to peel plastic off it again!
On a more serious note, the closet stuff looks amazing. The shoe racks are going to be a life saver and when I move next year I have a feeling I will be spending some serious dough in this store.