| - My son was a patient of Dr. Vu, and we did see Dr. King once when Vu was out of the office. Both docs are very friendly, but from my experience, Dr Vu spent very little time with his patients. The past 4 appointments we had, the wait was long 20-30 min each time. What makes the visit even LONGER is that a medical student usually visits first, gives your child a full exam, and then you have to wait again for the real doc to visit. When Dr Vu does visit, it's lightning speed. The med student spends WAY more time asking you questions than the real doc, which is disappointing.
Bad experience on our most recent visit, I went in thinking my 2 yr old son had croup, told that to the med student and Dr Vu. Med student kind of believed me, Dr Vu told me it was just very bad allergies and to give him Children's Allegra. 2 nights later, I rush my son to Urgent Care at 3am (Goodnight Pediatrics, love them! A++++) and sure enough, my son had croup.
Won't be back to Anthem Pediatrics....