La Dulce Vita! Churros galore! Filled, looped, glazed, you name it, they probably offer it at this cafe. They also offer soft serve and coffee. The shop is conveniently located right next to YouFit Health Club to perfectly ruin all that effort you put into the treadmill and elliptical ;)
I had a looped churro with chocolate glaze, soft serve vanilla, and mango dip. When it came out it looked so delicious! When I took the first bite though I was disappointed to find 90% of the churro was tough and chewy. The chocolate glaze on top was a nice touch but it was way too sweet for me. The soft serve was decent and added a nice temperature and texture difference with the rest of the dessert. I liked the mango dip as well.
At over $6 for this dessert, sadly I can get better tasting churros for cheaper at a Costco food court. They're still new and maybe working out some kinks in the system so hopefully they'll improve on a few things!