The worst and getting even more! Since jacksons had taken over I thought we see improvements!
None here took 2 cars to get washed 3 times still not right. Missed mats 2 out three times when I paid for mats to be done.
Today 4th visit is the test if they can do it right or not? Front desk had 2 people that could ring tickets and only one did even with a line of 8 people deep to pay. Both gals had such a rotten attitude I was surprised they showed up to work, they hate it here and hate you as a customer!
I asked 2 other ladies in front of me after they went
Through the cashiers to see if they thought the attitude was terrible and both agreed it was worst they have seen for a while.
Location It is close to me but I question why bring my 2 cars here for wash or anything!