| - I hired this attorney to represent my friend in a deportation hearing and it was the WORST and most costly mistake of his life he paid him $7,500 and wanted an additional $2,000 for a waiver.
My friend said that once he handed him the money his staff and Kanu himself demeanor changed, You are no longer that customer he wants to help but rather you are treated as if you are bothering him and his staff, GOD FORBID you should call his office twice in a week because in doing so you risk Kanu threatening to drop your case stating "your too demanding" oh yeah and all that money you paid him - NO REFUNDS!
Because when you do call and speak with any member of his staff they are bothered by you calling that they literally tell you off and also threaten with telling the attorney to drop your case because you are being a nuisance so getting a hold of your $7,500 attorney to ask a question either via email or phone is NOT part of your payment, In his own words as well as emails (Available upon request for validation of any claims herein this review) He decides when he's going to call you NOT when you want him to call you...
As if things couldn't get any worst 2 months before his wife's immigration trial Kanu decided it was more important to go vacation in Africa with his family for nearly 2 months instead of preparing for his wife's Final trial.
As per getting copies of ANYTHING when you asked for it, it's NOT going to happen, both my friend and I had asked for copies of files several times for nearly a month via phone calls and emails and never got anything from him, Only after my friend retained a new attorney was he able to get the files he had been asking for months and its a good thing he did finally get them because there were a ton of errors that had Kanu & Staff submitted to the courts his wife's case would've been continued based on its in-completeness and multitude of errors. - Today his wife is finally freed, reunited with her family and is a legal resident of the USA - No thanks to KANU... Save your money - Don't make the same mistake both him and I did. by hiring this guy
If your In need of a immigration attorney one who is honest and will truly help you and wont try to get rich off you, hire "Robert Coughlon", because of him my friends family is together or hire anyone else - NOTE: All claims within this review upon request may be validated via the historical emails between mentioned herein parties.