i'd recommend doing the powerplant tour if youre interested in learning the basics of hoover dam. most of this place is educational and informational. there isn't anything here that will excite you unless youre an engineer of some sort or immensely interested in architecture and the likes. i opted out of the hoover dam tour since its more walking and i wasnt THAT interested. the videos and museum were enough for me. we walked and took pictures. many pictures. make sure you pick a nice day to come becuase the weather can make or break a picture. the drive uphill was a bit funky and intimidating to say the least. imagine driving in bad weather with limited visibility? also the exit is sort of hard to find! we had to pass it and then go backwards to get out again. its less than an hour away from the strip if you go during non peak season and a half day is more than enough to hang around there. if you want to take even more pics then i'd also recommend getting off at the hoover dam bypass and also making a right turn RIGHT after the security checkpoint which is a free parking lot to park and take pics at. i didnt do that but would have liked to. overall this is definitely a place you'd want to visit at least once in your lifetime.