| - We had to drive quite a bit to see this watch guru, but the reviews on Yelp forced us to make the trip. This kind man replaced 4 batteries in our watches, and didn't charge us for a repair in one of the watch bands. But most importantly, he told us something about a Rolex watch my husband bought a LONG time ago that needs to get repaired. We had checked with another "jeweler" and they said our watch was fake. My husband was totally pissed. This watch guru, as we now affectionately call him told my husband, no way sir, this watch is 100% real, told my husband what was wrong with it and offered to buy it from him for huge money. he turned it down, its going to our son one day, but we were so relieved that what we thought was true, it is real and he didn't get ripped off. Luckily he never though of getting rid of it before! We are going back next week, I have 2 more watches I'd like him to take a look at! and p.s ...yup all cash, no plastic.