After seeing all the cool looking cakes with various stars holding them we were so excited when there was the BYOB (Bring your own box)$1.00 a cupcake promotion.
The location was a bit confusing to find so we called for help but the phone number came up as not working but with our love for cupcakes we were determined to find this place and we did...
It's a catering kitchen and the building said Renaissance Catering Inc. There was a sign that said "Cupcakes-ring doorbell or knock" So we knocked and out came a lady who let us know right away that they were out of Chocolate, the banana is just being put in the oven and the yellow will be ready in 15,20 min. Funny thing was those were the 3 flavors that we wanted but I guess everyone else wanted them as well...
I came ready to buy $30.00 worth but to my surprise it was cash only so luckily we came up with $16.00-so 16 cupcakes it was.
If an event is cash only then that needs to be stated well in advance so that people come with cash-cause who really carries cash anymore?
We got a little of each flavor available which was Red Velvet,Coconut and White Cake.
We noticed that there were cans of store bought frosting in the kitchen which was very surprising to me- I just figured we were getting a full homemade cupcake. The Frosting was too sweet for my taste and the cake was OK...I guess after seeing all the cool hella hard to make cakes I was just expecting the WOW factor but aftering trying each one of them I was not wowed. The cakes on the site are beautifully done but I don't think much was put into these cupcakes at all. For $1.00 each it was still a good deal though money wise...