I wasn't sure at first. I saw the sign that said "Fresh Roasted Coffee" as I drove to work going north on Buffalo just past Sahara. I wondered if someone was teasing me with one of my most beloved vices.
I finally gave in, and made way to the small shop tucked in the back corner of a row of offices. I worried that it might be closed, but it turned out that I just lucked into a non-busy time.
I ordered an iced latte, my go-to test of any coffee shop. I was pleasantly surprised by the strength of the flavor, the depth of the roast, and the lack of burned bitter notes that you get from Starbucks.
Hoping that wasn't an anomoly, I went back and tried the mocha breve, and now I'm a true convert.
I now submit this review with a heavy heart - I want this delightful place to succeed, but I don't want to wait too long in line for my next fix.