It took me two days to realize that this Hennessey's is a sibling of the Hennessey's we have here in Carlsbad.
And the Vegas one -- at the sketchy end of Fremont Street -- turns out to be the smarter, happier, better adjusted, sibling of the two.
The Vegas Hennesey's was kind enough or naive enough to host the Las Vegas Hash House Harrier's annual Red Dress Run. The beer was fine, the food was even better, and the staff had nary a twig up their ass as 120 revererls clad in their sweaty red finest danced to the band and entertained the other customers.
The next day, I saw that the menu looked vaguely familiar... and yep, Carlsbad's craptacular Hennessey's was listed on it. But what's Vegas' secret ingredient that makes their food so much better? A touch of cigarette smoke? A hint of despair? How did their staff get so damn friendly? And where are all the "security" guys?
Viva, Las Vegas Hennessey's. BTW, your Carlsbad sister can still kiss my butt.