Stone is another gem in the crown of my recent wood fired pizza fetish. It's a great new pizzeria (a year old) in the heart of a burgeoning downtown. I swear there was no reason to come here a few years ago. I went with the margheria. The fresh mozzerella, basil, olive oil, and house-made marinara were all made from ingredients purchased locally at Penn-Mac (you have to go there), and they were all perfect. But the king was the crust. Freshly made and tossed right in front of us, and fire baked in a flash. The whole thing was made from scratch and on my table in about 8 minutes. The crust was simple, but very flavorful. The texture was crisp, but it didn't cut my mouth. The edges were chewy and bubbly.
The best part: this 10"+ (probably more like 11" or 12") was $6.50. Holy sheeeeit. They could have reasonably charged $10 for this masterpiece. Seriously, I would have happily paid that.