| - "Fool me once, shame on me, fool me twice... well, you can't fool me again. Heh, heh."
Run from this place. Seriously.
Two years ago I had a calendar job for 10,000 or so that HAD to come out on time because they were being handed out as gifts at an event. I visited with the store, the manager in fact, and we planned out the drop-off dates, proof review, sign-off dates, and ship dates. I hit all my dates and they hit theirs too. However it was an out-source job and the printer shipped directly to the three locations a couple of days before we needed them. Someone doesn't know which months come after which because every calendar went out with disordered pages. Oh, the master was correct because the proof was perfect but the printer misassembled every darn calendar and didn't check a single one before shipping them out. Now, they reprinted and re-shipped but when you plan on handing out corporate calendars on the day of a special event and you don't have them, well, you don't get asked again. After three years of doing this and all the other media for this account, I was fired. That's $24,000 I don't have now.
But I went back today. The simplest job you could think of they managed to screw up. My father in law has passed away and I offered to do the memorial remembrance program. I've spent days designing and printing 300 full color/photo remembrances on linen paper at home and just wanted FedEx/Kinkos to crease them so they were easy to fold. You see, I have to fly to there in two days and take them with me in my carry on so we can fold them there - last minute thing. Can't replace them in the time left.
What did they do? They creased them the opposite way. They want to fold with the cover on the inside. Such a simple job and $55 to have it done wrong, well, there are a number of things I could say here but I won't. The staff person there even had the nerve to argue with me as I showed her the problem.
I've had it with this place. They've cost me an account, $24k and too much grey hair. Run away.