I was so excited to be able to save some money and buy my own tile. They have a good selection. But if something goes wrong with the tile don't expect anyone to help you out.
Let me start by saying we re did 1800 sq ft of tile. Meaning we spend around $4k in the store in one night.
We bought a gray wood/tile for all over and a porcelain MATTE white for the bathrooms and our master closet. Well the tile was installed and we found random GLOSSY tiles all over our bathroom. (and NO this is not an installer error when it's the MANUFACTURERS AND STORES job to make sure the correct tile is in the correct box!!!!!!)
There were random glossy tiles not sorted through inside boxes we bought.
I called and their solution was to give US the supplies to fix the tile. When I just finished paying someone over $2,000 to install the tile. What do I benefit from getting the supplies to fix it???? NOTHING, because I am now out the money to pay someone AGAIN for a mistake that WAS NOT OUR ERROR.
So just be warned. If you have a problem that is THEIR ERROR, they will not help you. Only offering "supplies" and creating more work for you.