I wasn't kidding when I said I LOVED this place. I gave the AYCE a go and here are my conclusions:
-AYCE is amazing.
-AYCE is going to kill me.
-Don't get the sushi pizza. It's too fried and slightly skimps on the fish.
-Do order 8654963 of the mango sushi. NEW FAVOURITE ITEM
-Endless tea is great.
-Total bummer that you can't get their tidal wave rolls (specialty rolls).
-They played the Ting Tings not once but twice while I was there. YESSSSSSSSSSS
-There are outlets and you can hop on someone's wifi! I did some school work.
-I counted six people grabbing menus as they walked pasted the storefront. This is a good sign.
-You can order $19 worth of tempura banana dessert if you want. I may or may not do this, depending on how my exams go.
-Fairly vegetarian friendly. Hurray!
I am going to eat here as much as possible. My goal is to have them name a roll after me (and I have my eye on you, Yummy Yam Roll).