| - Heads up, this review is about cheese. Ooey-gooey cheese. Like in the commercials where you pick up a slice and the strings trail down almost like the rest of the pizza doesn't want to let part of it go. That image of cheesiness is what we took home with us after trying out a few of the pies at Pizza People Pub. We don't mean that in a good way. Some people may love extra cheese on a pizza, but the cheese-to-sauce ratio is sacrosanct to our ideal pizza. It should be a matrimony of the two factors, not a bloody Battle of Fredericksburg where the cheese is the confederacy, the sauce is the union, and the crust looks on as a disappointed Abraham Lincoln. Yes this is going to be hyperbolic. Really, this pizza wasn't exactly bad, but merely average. It has a lot of unrealized potential.
Usually we like to discuss each element of the pizza individually, but we can't say anything about the sauce mostly because we don't know what it tasted like. Maybe some oregano pockets, a little sweetness at times. Really all we could taste was cheese. The sauce was probably a lighter tasting sauce anyway, but there was so little of it. We guess that was a necessary choice because a normal amount of sauce would have given the crust the impossible task of holding it all up. Speaking of crust, it wasn't bad. Decent flavor, chewy and a little crispy, with mostly appropriate caramelization around the rim and bottom. It was actually our favorite part of the pizza, but we think that's because its lack of cheese was a welcome respite.
The question on your mind, we know, is "Did this pizza form the dreaded cheese blanket?" The answer is no, not quite. Maybe a cheese bedsheet. It was definitely the dominating flavor, along with the almost excessive oiliness it brought to every bite. When you have too much cheese it just doesn't brown appropriately, and that was evident here. Worse, unless you ate the whole pizza very quickly, the cheese cooled off to form a semi-shell. This was the first pizza on this blog where we can definitely say there was too much cheese, period. It's not enough for us to say this pizza was bad, but it was enough to feel regret after having put all of it into our stomachs.
We tried the pepperoni and "The Hulk" which featured a pesto sauce with arugula, spinach, and red peppers. The pepperoni fell victim to the cheese overload, while the pesto pizza was slightly better. That might just be because we love arugula on pizza. We can tell you we really couldn't notice the difference between the two sauces because there was so little there. We didn't love either of them, but the pesto one was the more enjoyable.
We're sure there are places that put even more cheese on their pizzas, but this is kind of the amount of cheese where we start to draw a line in the sauce. We value a balanced cheese-to-sauce ratio and we don't think Pizza People Pub does. The rest of the menu featured several different kinds of Macaroni and Cheese, so maybe cheese is their deal. These people are serious about their cheese and if you are too, this might be the place for you. And that's fine. But in our ideals of what pizza should be, we have trouble rating this any higher than a flat mediocre. Instead of a lovely three part harmony, this pizza is a forte melody of cheese-cheese-cheese. Oh, we will say the chairs were comfy as hell. Shout out to whoever picked out the chairs.