I had my daughter here.
Most nurses were nice. When I asked for medication for the pain one nurse was a smart ass. She told me "of course it's going to hurt if you go natural what do want?!" Smh I'm a first time mom give me options HELLO!
The rooms were nice remodeled and big. They kept switching nurses on me I hated that I must have had 10 and They never updated their names.
When I had my baby I said I wanted to just breast feed and if of course they forced me to give her a bottle they didn't try and help me breast feed. I didn't feel comfortable at all.
I wish I didn't have my baby here my daughter will not latch on now. Makes me said I really had my heart set on that. Now I'm stuck bottle feeding her I've tried so hard she is now 2 months.
I wouldn't recommend this hospital. My friend went to st.rose first time mom to and she said how helpful they were and nice didn't even offer the bottle so she wouldn't get tempted. Encouraged her to breast feed. If I have another baby I won't be going here and I won't be recommending them. They didn't respect what I wanted. Nurses were nice and doctors. But I was very disappointed.