On July 6, 2017. I boarded my 6 month old English bulldog at Pet-smart doggie hotel on Rainbow drive. On July 9th I was contacted by a store employee that my puppy was limping with no explanation as to why? On July 10 after cutting my vacation short I drove directly from the airport to see my puppy. When I arrived my baby had a severe limp and appeared to be in pain. I immediately drove her to my veterinarian who took x-rays of her hind leg and informed me it was fractured. I was referred to Las Vegas veterinary specialty center where she underwent surgery and metal pins were placed to correct the fracture. I've spoken to the store manager and have made several calls to the cooperate office in Arizona and no one has even contacted me regarding this unfortunate incident. I'm appalled at the way this company who supposedly is a dog caring company has neglected to even call me and check on my puppies condition regarding injuries that occurred while in their care. Pet smart employees were not only negligent of my puppy while in their care but the actions of the cooperate office tell me this behavior must be condoned and not important enough for someone to pick up the phone and simply ask what can be done to remedy the situation