I went here based on the many good reviews on Yelp, not sure why my experience was not good. Tamara was my stylist. After being asked last minute mind you to come in 15 min early for my appointment, which I did, I was left sitting in the waiting area til almost my appointment time. What gives? Why ask me to come early?
When Tamara approached, she didn't appear too friendly or in a good mood. I had brought several pics with me to help convey what I wanted in my haircut. Tamara actually got testy telling me that they were each different pictures and what did I really want. So much for any patience or communication skills. I told her that there were aspects in each picture I liked that I would like to put together in to one haircut. She didn't really seem to interested in what I wanted. She gave me the haircut which I could tell right away was a poor one. There were uneven parts and some uneven layers. Her whole demeanor from start to finish was cold and unfriendly, not the least bit like what you think of when you think of a hair stylist. Usually warm and talkative. She also clearly disregarded me when I told her I did not want product in my hair. She put quite a bit in anyways. Truly disrespectful.
I tried to figure out why she was like this - did I do something? - but then realized it was all on her. She was like this from the moment she walked up to 'greet' me - late by the way.
To add insult to injury, I paid top dollar for a haircut from a stylist who does not even have that many years of experience. I can't remember now if it was $55 or $60 for what I received. Plus a 20% tip - I should have tipped less darn it. I tipped more in case I wanted to come back for a 'tweak' to the bad haircut, but then later deemed it too risky to let her touch my hair again!
After trekking to downtown Phoenix, I don't recommend coming to this salon. I mean Tamara's station is right next to the owner's and he didn't seem to pay attention to what was happening with us. He may be a good stylist himself (don't know), but he did not seem to care much about what goes on in other areas.