Never again will I be coming here.I had 2 unfortunate visits and they were both equally painful.First off the bouncers are tools and they all look as if they were suffering from severe constipation. I should be glad that they're working security instead of an occupation that requires intelligences. I was wearing my hat in a normal fashion and they found it to be out of "regulations" so they made me pull down my hat until the brim was touching my eyebrows.Of course, I adjusted my hat to my preferred setting as soon as I got in.Second off the bartender was off in her own world and was very rude because I requested a beer while she was in deep conversation.Don't worry darling your "guy" won't be walking off anytime soon, it seems that he's been drinking heavily and has trouble standing up.Third off, the demographic of people here,Holy geez! some of the most self centered, self entitled group of people I've ever dealt with.I wandered off into someones booth on accident to take a seat and some girl flips out on me like I broke something.Settle down woman, it's 130am there is 30mins left before this place closes. I think the party has already surpassed it's peak.So all this cussing,yelling and name calling is not necessary.As for the second trip? You don't want to know.