| - My relationship with this tiny McCaul street cafe is scant though I have been here a million times. I come in, I grab a coffee, I plunk down my laptop, try the wifi (it never works), hang out for about an hour, and then leave. In the days, it's never very busy so it's actually a pretty decent place to relax and read.
They have a patio and a back seating area. It could actually fit a surprising number of people. Mangiacake serves breakfast, paninis (obvs), salads, soups, and desserts but I've never worked up the nerve to try anything.
But insofar as it's a coffeeshop and quiet place to chillax, this place is ALL right. I will have to come back and eat something sometime.
Obligatory Title Pun: Yo, that word is a slur. Isn't anyone else outraged?
Menu Readability: Chalkboard, but get this: tiny lettering.
Need to mention: Washrooms are upstairs, which is kind of unheard of in this city.
What this place teaches me about myself: Am I paninophobic?