I am so sick of going to the deli department and ordering food just to be treated as an inconvenience to the clerk. I just bought $8.47 of crap. They were supposed to be chicken strips but they're not. Hard crusted rocks with some chicken jerky in the middle. The clerk was a jerk and got a little testy with me when I asked for the larger strips instead of the little balls of dough. He rudely said he wasn't going to put them in the order. For the most part I don't have problems with the other staff just the deli ones. There are a couple of them that I wince every time I go there. One lady even told me a few months ago to call ahead when I wanted a 24 pc. chicken pack. Why do I continue to go there? Because it is cheap and the people are genuinely nice. Not so much the deli dept. I may be looking into Albertsons deli next time I try to do chicken tenders wraps .