| - My review is specifically for the last time I did business in this branch. Overall my experience since opening my account in fall 2007 has been very good. However, about two weeks ago I had a rather peculiar experience. My bank teller was a middle-aged Hispanic woman, who, when I said that I'd like to deposit a check, began by asking me, as I placed the check in question on the counter, "Where is your bank?" Obviously confused, she asked me, "Where did you open your account?" "Here," I said. "Well, then, you'll need to fill out this deposit slip." To which I responded with, "Well, I have this here," placing my deposit slip in front of her. Since I was taking my check and deposit slip from my wallet, which was tightly packed with bills and receipts, I removed each item carefully, one at a time. For whatever reason, she jumped the conclusion that I didn't know how to make a deposit and spoke to me like I'd never been in a bank before, which continued as she proceeded to tell me about the BofA app and other features as if it would be news to me that there are other ways of making a deposit. I managed to not show my irritation and remained friendly. However, if part of her job was to make me reluctant about ever setting foot in the Mill Ave Tempe branch, she succeeded.