This should sum up the show pretty well:
Oompa Lumpas on acid (at least, how they'd look had I been on acid).
A court jester who looks like the love child of Bette Midler and Phyllis Diller.
Contortionists (seemed they'd been Chinese Acrobats at some point??) who can do obscene, insane and unreal twists and bends with their bodies. I am convinced they are invertibrate. For their entire performace we were completely entranced and everyone around us kept leaning further forward in their seat, mouthes agape.
The hoop guy...holy crap I woulda puked. Imagine a spinning coin. Imagine being IN that coin. Yep, that's him.
The trapeze - those seven men have nerves (and abs) of steel. Amazing how they fly over and under obstacles.
The various gymnasts throughout are clearly world class. The clowns are amusing and serve their purpose - to occupy the audience during scene changes.
I highly recommend Alegria for an awe inspiring form of entertainment. If that doesn't tempt you, go for the eye candy. Mama mia. I needed a cigarette after that (and I don't smoke!!!!!!)