My dear retired old friend who lives in vegas inherited a dog from his mother before she passed away. He had this dog for 17 years! You could tell just by looking at this animal that it was time to be put down. He took it into this facility and they charged him $204!!!! What a joke! They are only after money from people! Totally screwed my friend with a "Wellness check" - WTF?! the dog is 17! Can't see, is in pain, and they still want to charge this man for a "WELLNESS CHECK" I was so pissed... It cost me $80 to put my dog down, AND I received my dog's ashes back in a nice wooden box, a paw printed stone, etc. AND I was able to be with my animal when they put her down. My friend in vegas was told it would cost additional money to be included!!! Again, WTF?! More than $200 already?!?! My friend is on a limited income too, and they charged him over $200! RIDICULOUS! I checked in with my father in Tennessee on this, and his dog was $75 to put down, and he received the box/ashes, etc. etc. DO NOT take your animal to this hospital if you need to put it down. They will rake you over the coals! Call around! YOU SHOULD NOT have to spend over $200 to put a dog to death. Come-on people! you should be ashamed of yourselves!!