What I love about Town Shoes is that if you're having a birthday party, you can rent out the store for your girlfriends and have a shoe party. It is so.much.fun.
One of my friends did this.So it was fun .
You don't have to pay anything but you do have to bring a certain number of people. If your guests buy more than one pair of shoes, you get a discount (I think it's 10 to 15 %). Plus the birthday girl gets some pretty interesting swag and discounts herself.
The other cool thing is that you can bring your own wine and snacks so you can munch, mingle and mix while you try on copious amounts of shoes.
There is a dedicated staff there to literally wait on you hand and foot (whaa whaa) and you don't have to feel awkward or bitchy because they know they're going to be busy. It's their job!
I ended up getting a wicked pair of oxfords that I get many compliments on. They have a very good selection of different heights of heels and some flats. I feel like their price points are well, on pointe as well. Average cost of a shoe will be $100.
Go to town with your party. It was a refreshing way to spend an evening.