THIS OFFICE SUCKS they don't have trained people answering the phone and the office manager " Jess" makes excuses for the way they run this office!!! I called and told the girl the issues my puppy was having and could I please speak to a tech and her response was they are too busy and there was no available appointments today!! She should have directed me to a veterinary hospital!! But she didn't!!! Shame on her because if I would have waited until Friday when she could get me in they said the puppy would have not made it through today!! Thank goodness icalled Avalon veterinary hospital!!! They have experienced emergency staff answering their phones and quickly knew my puppy was having low glycemic shock and directed me to give him syrup and bring him in!!! It saved his life!!!! As for Jess, the office manager, she tried to justify their clinic with they can not give advice over the phone! They are a big operation where as she said Avalon is private so they can!!! So let me ask everyone why then would you take your animals here??? When you can get better care at a private vet? It's very clear to me that I want a office who cares for animals not just worried about corporate people telling them what they can and can't do!!