If you think there's some stigma associated with shopping here, eff you. You're not royalty so zip it. That being said, Tweekerville is nearby so you will be shopping with Tweekers at this store.
A simple economic lesson-
12 ounces in a can
.60 cents per can in the office vending machine
33.814 ounces in a liter
2 liters = 67.628 ounces
.99 cents per 2 liter Pepsi product at 99 Cents Only
And while you're saving $$ on drinks for the brainstorming session, get some ramen (.29cents) some hot sauce (.99), salad dressing (.99), and a Nestle Crunch (.59) to stock your snack drawer with.
Don't spend money on things that YOU KNOW should logically cost more than a dollar and you'll be fine. You really think those earbuds you paid $1 for are gonna sound good?