This is my neighborhood stop and as close to what you get for a "china town" here in PHX.
The Ranch Market is my grocery store and the Golden Buddha is the watering hole I am closest to and its been fun to be exposed to something "different" in the neighborhood. Yeah it's a strip mall with a coy pond and garden to those in other more metropolitan back ground or source, but it's what we got! ( I knocked off that last star for a reality check). Within the center their are doctors offices, apartments and travel agencies that specialize in travel to Asia. Our stops signs are in Chinese too to paint a picture. All nationalities get their fresh fish at the market and you have to try the bakery for arguably the best chau siu bao hands down.
A definite place to go for lunch if you are here.
Walking through the gardens is the best attraction to walk off the dum sum. Its ponds and series of bridges and temple type architecture will make you feel less like you are under the flight path of PHX and more like you are on a different latitude and longitude if even for a second...
Adjacent to the airport it represents a grain of cultural sand in a desert of fast food restaurants and Circle K's that is most of phoenix.
Short walking distance from the 44th ST Light rail station where one could possible stumble to while on a light rail jaunt Tempe / PHX bound. Also next to main airport destination and hotels including a "W" and parking to the airport.
It's a pretty industrialized neighborhood outside but it contains some of the best Chinese restaurants in the valley as well Chinese medicine shop and other various shops hardly found anywhere else in AZ.