| - It is very hard for me to do a review of a Cinéplex since I used to work in one, I really have the tendency to see everything. But I have to say this location is my favorite in Montreal.
Cineplex forum is in the old Forum Center where the Canadians used to play, so at the entrance you have a real hockey vibe, with statues of players, mini-hockey machine, jersey, etc. The line is never too long to buy your tickets whether you buy them at the counter or with the machine, I will advise to buy them at the machine if you are paying with a card, they are very easy to use and you can still put your scene card.
Their selection of movie is GREAT! They have most of the blockbusters, a lot of Canadian movies, plus a shit load of foreign movies (french, Indian, asian, Bollywood, Spanish, etc.). Which make it the perfect place for any kind of person, even the french movies have subtitles in english, so really there is no excuse.
Food wise, I have never been a huge fan of movie theatre food, I am not fond of popcorn, and even less butter popcorn. I would recommend to eat before coming or to hide your candies in your pockets so you don't have to buy overpriced m&ms. YES, the food in Cineplex is expensive, and not worth it in my opinion (the only counter which might be worth it is the one at the Banque Scotia Cineplex, the Gourmet one with greats poutines and hot dogs), BUT it is not a reason to yell at the employees, they already know it is expensive.
To finish, the service is really nice. As a small reminder most of Cineplex employees are students, in cegep and universities studying and working their ass off to pass their class without getting broke. At the Forum, I never felt some of them were grumpy or anything else, they are most of the time very chill and efficient. The toilet are the greatest in all the Cineplex in Montreal, and they work hard to have it clean that often, believe me washing toilets a Tuesday at Cineplex is not nice, but each time I go there, their toilet are duper clean.
My only downside is that the second food counter, downstairs where most of the rooms are, is always closed and haven't been open for at least five years. In result the whole area downstairs looks very dark and unfriendly.