I have been looking for a good spot to go to when I'm feeling that once and a while craving for cinnamon rolls without having to drive and hunt down a Cinnabon. I happened to get an email from Yelp about this 'hot and new' spot to check out. Sooo...I happened to be in the area and decided to check it out. Was a little nervous about the fact that all the items are Vegan, never has anything Vegan, but thought I'd still give it a shot. Walk in to some pretty sour faces. Two individuals who made it seem like a chore to even say hello or give a proper greeting. Ask a couple of questions about their menu as it's my first time there and I'm trying to decide what to get. Cold and blank wall responses is what I got. Whatever, I decided to just order a regular cinnamon roll with cream cheese frosting, going with the classic to be safe. Did get a scoop of cookie dough to try. Roll was warm, which I was worried about after reading some of the reviews on here. First bite was okay but seconds after, I was hit with the most awful after taste. I couldn't take another bite let alone stand the smell even. Made me nauseous! Cold staff + interesting food (to say the least) = SKIP for me!