| - i like to rate Coffee Shops on the following scales:
Coffee/Tea: on the higher-end side. baristas aren't particularly talented and the espresso drinks are Cartel-level. meh. not good, not awful, just over-priced and passable.
Service: fairly stern but not bad.
Parking: a challenge. i don't believe they have a parking lot here, and the street spaces are limited. sssooo, what? do you chance it by parking in the Walgreen's lot across the street or the Phx library lot? do they tow fervently in Phx? i'm from california, boss, where we don't chance it. i guess you have to park in an adjacent neighborhood and hoof it for 1/2 a mile if none of the 10 street spaces are avail? weird. and the shop doesn't address parking on its website, social media or signage in the actual location. l-a-m-e. ***update*** from looking at other Yelp reviews, it does look like they have half a dozen spaces in back of the building. shouldn't be that hard to find where your parking is.. still lame.
Ambiance: i personally don't like it. the individual tables are too small. the WAY awkward DJ booth/seats along the back wall lord over the general seating area from an elevated perch that makes you feel like the emperor is watching your every move. coffee shops should have comfy seating, not alters. then, there is the cliche'd communal table in the center of this mess, which is probably the best option, depending on which way you're facing. plenty of room, i guess, if you have a couple seats to yourself. this place is too dark; windows along the northern edge only. super cute and artsy, but not very practical for meetings, getting work done, or anything other than chugging an espresso shot and bouncing.
Clientele: cool. mix of students (some too young/high school), professionals and of course...The Hipsters. minus the loud sub-18-year-olds, good vibe.
Fun Fact: if you want water in a to-go cup, it's a 50-cent charge.
Overall: very average, dark and cramped space for a quick meeting if you're in the area. meh.