Best MMA gym around. I first started going in 2010, quit in 2013, so I was there for almost 3 years. I had the opportunity to watch it grow into a huge and successful gym, especially after Crouch and Benson took over. They really made some very positive changes which has attributed to their success. Very family oriented and huge training rooms. Spent one year in BJJ with John Crouch, great coach and he really has a gift when it comes to the application of hand to hand combat. Spent about 2 years with Rick Roufus learning kickboxing/Muay Thai (Rick is no longer there) but he was an awesome coach as well. And Jarett Aki has insane strength and cardio programs and he knows how to work with and around injuries as they occur. They had me in the best shape of my life and I watched many people come in completely out of shape and transform into lean machines in a matter of months. Definitely recommend The Lab, there's really no other place like it in AZ.