Cox has the worst customer service and technical service that I had EVER experienced, ever! This last experience drove me to share on yelp to spare other customers the frustration. I've called customer service at least 3 times for the same question: How do I downgrade my services and still keep basic cable, internet and phone. I received 3 different answers while being sold more services and being pressured to upgrade due to "promotions", and we can't guarantee the rate after your contract expires! Good companies with good service do not need contracts. If I'm happy then I stay.Today I went into the cox store to return my boxes and pick up a mini box and asked for the rep to add on my $5 hbo streaming service that the phone rep told me about. He said that was not possible so I got a rep on the phone and the service was $67, not $5. I've spent so many hours on the phone with them to just downgrade and save money, only to get frustrated and have misinformed reps give me misinformation. previously we had a lot of trouble with our Wi-Fi at out house that it took 4 different technicians and $12 per month (+6 for the upgraded box) to make this service work. I'm done with this company. Google please come to my area!