With movie prices thru the roof, people getting arrested for pirating films and this collapsing economy, where can a guy take his GF without needing to take a loan from the local credit union?
The Silver Cinemas, on Bell just west of the I-17, is possibly the greatest new discovery of my life!!
At only $3.00 a pop to see a "pretty much brand new" movie, only 1-2 months old TOPS, this place's ONLY down side is the semi-comfortable seating!!
But wait, there's more.......
Every Tuesday they drop the price to $1.50!!!
Imagine, only needing to rummage thru a change jar to pay for a movie that 3 weeks ago cost 8 times the amount at a Harkins Theatre (yes i still love Harkins too).
-Great date night idea
-Easy on the wallet
-Conveniently located off the I-17