If you weren't a Britney fan before, you will become one after seeing this show.
I've seen a few Britney Spears concerts and this residency is by far her best performance yet. From her dancing to her rock hard body to the set designs to the light shows, Piece of Me has almost everything. The only thing I wish she included was live singing. She lip synced (and to her credit- danced her butt off) for two hours non-stop. I've heard clips of her singing early in her career and I know she has the pipes so I would have liked for her to halt the dancing even for just one song to turn up her mic volume. I thought I would probably like this show but I more than liked it- I was enamored with it and I see what the hype is about.
Spears delivers and so do her dancers & band. You won't realize how many hits she really has (that you know the words to) until one part in the show when there is a video montage of all of her music videos. It was really incredible and it hit me that she has really solidified herself as an music industry icon. Well done, Britney. Now turn up that mic.