WARNING: this review contains violence and adult content. Hide yo kids!
To skate or to skeet? That is the question.
I've never tried ice skating before but I know how to rollerblade but alas, I was told they're not the same. I had visions of kids lapping me and pushing me since I'm a noob, my skull busting open and blood freezing over ice and my fingers getting sliced off by ice skates. How do I move? How do I stop? Flashbacks of a near death experience when I swam to the middle of a pool and sinking under water.
It was a busy Saturday afternoon at the rink. I only spent $5 for ice skating + hot cocoa thanks to a friend who had Groupon. All the walkers were taken. The side rail was my only hope. Good thing I was with good company who know how to skate and were teaching me the basics. I told them to go ahead and enjoy skating and that I'll be fine. I'm sure there's a lot of photos and videos of me somewhere. Oh no! It was a fun time though.
Some grandma lapped me. I was distracted by a blonde blue-eyed guy who was just staring and smiling at me. We talked for a bit and I asked him if he could teach me to skate...problem was he was 8 and I'm not like that. A guy was taking a selfie video while skating.
I was able to complete 2 laps without getting hurt or falling - that was good enough for me. We enjoyed hot cocoa after. They have lockers for 75cents so you can leave your shoes and personal items. The north rink is for hockey and the south rink is for skating. I'm always up for learning new things and spending time with good friends so even if my feet started to hurt, I still had a blast.