This is a big corporate type practice with absent customer service. You are nothing but dollar signs to them. Calling the place will take you through almost 20 minutes of self promoting commercials and random staff before you get to anyone that will take a brief moment to even find out why you called. Don't expect a return call, it won't happen.
When coming here for a consult, it was just a mess and they all seem overly concerned with legal disclaimers and getting sued. I think I can piece together why, so I just smiled and left after my very brief face time with the medical staff that did not address the medical issue for which I made the appointment.
Today I decided after stewing about it to write a review. There are valid reviews stored away on this site as flagged that are clearly not false reviews written to promote a business, but seems very likely they were flagged by perhaps one of the money counters at CORE. Seems like yet another indicator of insincerity and what would have been a two star review became a one star, less if I could.