the first round of cocktails my friend, my wife & i ordered were near-mind blowing: unique & creative yet still tasty & refreshing. however, the second round of american rye manhattans my fellow bar-worker partner-in-crime & i ordered were shaken to a watery solution & devoid of any depth or texture. we didn't have any main plates but the several appetizers we shared (the oysters & the venison tartare), while perfectly pleasant, weren't particularly flavorful or inventive. i'm not a pretentious foodie who requires innovation with my dishes, but with the character & facade this place very purposefully emits, you kind of expect it as it feels like they're trying pretty hard to prove something. the servers were super friendly (particularly the female asian 'tender) & i'd be remiss if i didn't mention the absolutely gorgeous decor. i'll have to stop by for dinner the next time i'm in TO.