This hotel has BED BUGS!!! My husband and I stayed in room 554 and our second night we saw a bed bug crawling on our bed!! It was the most disgusting thing to know we had already been there one night with these bed bugs. We went to the front desk and show pictures and inform them the room has bed bugs. The lady at the front desk asked my husband and I "Well what would like to do?" As if this is a common occurrence at this hotel. She told us since we booked our room through a 3rd party there is nothing she can do until the manager comes in at 10am. It's 3am and then she says she can move us rooms and give us a $100 food and beverage credit for the time being until the manager comes in. We agree to change rooms to a different floor. Room 914. We strip the entire bed before we do anything and place our belongings as high as possible. I couldn't sleep comfortable anymore knowing what if my personal things have been in contact with bed bugs and I just carried them to the new room. It was the worst night ever. We go downstairs to talk to Saul the Manager and explain what happened. He says he cant compensate us for he room until he can confirmed with an inspection that room in fact has bed bugs. That would take a few hours. He said he would send me a report of the inspection and we will go from there. I have not received any reports or any follow up calls or emails in regards to this matter. I am in shock that this was not handled as a serious matter. I have reported them to the health department and filed a formal complaint. Don't stay at this hotel! If you have an issue don't expect to be treated with high importance. I am disgusted.