I made a same day hair appointment with TristAnn last Sunday. I came in with black hair with 1/2 inch or more of re growth of my natural hair. I told her I wanted to strip the black out of my hair. I was not looking to go blonde. I just wanted the black out and to be a brown color. She said no problem. She didn't know what color I would turn but she said she wouldn't let me leave the salon looking stupid. Well. She did. First off. She bleached my roots first. (Most people know you never bleach the roots first. Especially virgin hair) then she applied the rest of the bleach to the rest of my hair. The back of my head was burning. I told her and she said oh it's probably just too hot. Well my roots were blonde and some spots copper and then dark dark brown. Well she rinsed me. Then applied more bleach to the base of my hair. Then rinsed me. Brought me to her hair. I had hot roots (blonde), bottom later was blonde and copper and then dark spots. She puts a lighter color on my roots then the rest of my hair. Washed me out and my roots were light brown, my hair was dark and under layer blonde and copper. She said oh it looks great. Lets blow it dry. She starts blowing it dry and I noticed it looked absolutely awful! She goes people pay me to go this copper color all the time. After she blew it dry she asked what I thought and I told her my roots looked not right. She said well you can come back in a couple days an pay another $100-150 to fix that.
I was in shock at this point. So I left and once I got home I looked through my hair in proper lighting and not only were my roots lighter then the rest of my hair. But the bottom was 3 different colors. And the rest of my hair was striped. I clearly have stripes going on. I looked like a tiger. This was done by someone who raved and told me how she had 20+ years experience and how she knew what she was doing compared to everyone else at the salon so good thing I went to her.
I was so upset. I spent with tip $350. :-/ that's more then I have ever spent on hair before.
I called the next day and was sick to my stomach. Nicole the manager was very kind. She asked me if I would come in to have it fixed and I said no. I'm sorry but I was not going back to someone who didn't do a good job to begin with and actually let me leave looking like that. Also wasn't going to anyone else there that I was told didn't know what they were doing from TristAnn. I asked for a full refund. Which I got. I ended up going and doing it myself AGAIN bc it scared me so bad. My hair cut was horrible too so now I have to go find someone else to fix that. Just very unpleased.