This casino's breakfast buffet is the same name as the casino it's in... TERRIBLE.
(NOTE: This review is for their BUFFET ONLY!)
After a long, red eye road trip from San Jose to Las Vegas (about 8 hours), we were looking for a good breakfast. I had heard that Terrible's had a pretty good breakfast from some research some time ago, so we went to give it a try.
Breakfast buffet for only $5.99? Sounds like a great deal! Too bad the food was a great FAILURE!
The choices ranged from chicken fried steak to the staple eggs and bacon to chili. None of it really looked appealing. The only item I finished on my plate was the bacon because, well, who the hell doesn't love bacon? It's pretty hard to screw up. But everything else was too salty to eat at some point. The food was so bad that I was even scared of eating the prepackaged Yoplait.
Avoid the breakfast buffet at all costs. Stick to another casino on the strip for breakfast. They just HAVE to be better than this place!