Oh Costco - how I dread going to thee on a Sunday afternoon. Those big carts + samples + families shopping with their children = me wanting to run your customers and their little children's toes over! But, alas, it's not your fault entirely....so therefore, I like you quite a bit. Enough to shop on a Sunday afternoon.
See, I don't eat a large variety of foods, so the things I do eat, I eat almost every day. Like most things Kashi - Waffles (they're baaack!), Go Lean and Rolls bars are all available in bulk. And then there's my raisins and peanuts and Skinny Cow icecream bars. Oh! And Jarlesburg light swiss cheese! I like that they have healthy items.
Despite it always being packed on Sundays, the long lines aren't really that long and the employees are friendly for having to deal with all those people. Me likey.
Oh! And that pizza and frozen yogurt! Yum!
P.S. - If you're one of those people that leaves your cart next to your car or shoved up on the curb.....stop it. It makes you look lazy.