| - I'm not quite sure where to begin. I visited on my lunch break with my two co-workers, one of whom was interested in the Hookahs that were for sale. He noticed two different hookahs that were Pink and inquired about them. After commenting that he liked the pink color, the clerk at the store immediately quipped, with no lack of ire and disdain, "Are you gay?"
What? What does that matter?
She asked based only on the fact that he wanted to know the price of your pink hookahs? Her tone and attitude were directly insulting, bigoted, and egregiously homophobic.
It didn't end there. My friend, insulted by her tone, dumbfounded by her question, and curious of her motives, responded that he was gay. He isn't gay, but at this point that's irrelevant.
Verbatim, her next words were, "Ack. America is a stupid country."
"Well, where are you from," he asked.
"Russia," she responded, "We beat them in the face."
And there, my dear readers, was the underlying, immediate source of her tone, disgusting attitude, and repugnant treatment of my friend. He, with tobacco in one hand and wallet in the other, returned his purchase to the rack and left. We all did.
The plain and simple fact that a store like this is in operation with openly homophobic, bigoted employees (or proprietors, because I'm not sure if this is privately owned and operated) is an insult. It's disgustingly inappropriate that anyone would drive their customer service in such a way. This is a damn business, and I don't see what my friend's sexual preference has to do with the shitty plastic hookahs on your wall or the dirty tobacco you shuck to unknowing patrons.
It's bullshit, friends. Plain and simple, there's no excuse for such blatant intolerance. I will not be shopping here or recommending this store to anyone else I smoke with, and I can assure you that I am lodging a formal complaint with the Mall and any further authority that can pursue action.