| - Daw DC at MGM Grand last Friday night at 9:30.
Got good seats about half-way back from Tix4Tonight at $72. The theater is relatively small, so most seats are fine.
Overall, a solid show.
Illusions I most enjoyed were the car and motorcycle suddenly appearing and the dancing tissue. These were really well done.
I have to agree with other commentators that the bit involving the alien and DC not seeing his father before his father died was boring and way too long! The "schtick" just didn't work. I think DC should avoid trying to be a comedian. The joke about the alien farting root beer was stupid, as was the alien's remark about 'checking DC's credit when he gave DC a hug. There were a couple other tricks that also took too long, such as the spinning words written on index cards suspended above a blindfolded woman who was walking around and being prompted musically by another audience member who hit a button to start and stop music. The set up took too long.
Last illusion criticism: the bit where DC reveals in feigned slow motion how a duck is stuffed into a wooden bucket by a stagehand was corny. Either dump the gag or speed it up a bit.
Although I really like DC's personality and stage presence, I also agree w/ other commentators who disliked a couple disparaging remarks he made about audience members. In the show I saw he was speaking to an audience member and jokingly referred to the audience member immediately behind the one he was talking to as an "asshole." I thought the joke was low-class and reminiscent of Andrew Dice Clay. DC, you have more class than that. Also, as another commentator noted, he asked another audience member (plant?) how long it had been since he got 'busy,' and made a few sexual innuendos following up on that question. The humor just wasn't necessary, and quite honestly, not needed. I'm there to see great illusions from the best. If I wanted a comedy magic show I would have chosen someone different.
Despite these shortcomings, the show is still very good.
I think it actually deserves 3.5 stars.