This was my first time at creamistry, and it was amazing. The consistency of their ice cream is wow! Super duper creamy, it just dissolves! And the way the ice cream is made is just stunning! I love how it is freshly made right when you order it. And it's cool how you get to watch it happen!
I'm not a crazy fan about ice cream so I was not sure what I wanted to get. In fact, I was not looking forward on getting anything while I was there with my friend. Lucky thing I did though!
I got the Thai tea ice cream. Thai tea ice cream? Sounds a bit questionable at first... well, at least to me it did! It tasted just like Thai tea but in a ice cream consistency. I got to say, this is my favorite ice cream flavor and most definitely my favorite ice cream place. I got the ice cream with no toppings because I'm not really a fan of toppings and I like to savor the taste of one thing at a time.