Do not leave your loved ones alone while in this hospital. Request for pain medication take on average four hours to be acknowledged. Assistance needed for use of the restroom are ignored. Explaining all of the medical insurance you have are ignored. Disrespect of the elderly is normal and seems to be acceptable.They ignore sick people and allow them to suffer. DO NOT LEAVE YOUR LOVED ONES ALONE IN CENTENNIAL HILLS HOSPITAL.This hospital falsely advertised "Pain Managment" as their goal. Yet they would not give my family member over the counter headache medication. When they finally did administer it 6 hours later my loved one had a migraine. I had to go to Walgreens to get Tylenol myself. The took 12 hours to treat dangerously high blood pressure which could of lead to a stroke. Centennial Hills Hospital must be investigated immediately. Do not go here!!!!!