I love Winco. I love everything about Winco. If my fiancé and I unfortunately had to go our separate ways (undoubtedly due to something he did, I'm amazing) I would waste no time attempting to slide into Winco's DMs. We actually got into a little tiff about him being too impatient and not letting me thoroughly explore Winco and go down each and every aisle and inspect each and every price so we're now in agreement that I will do the grocery shopping by myself but whatever, right? It's Winco! My fiancé calls Winco the poor man's Costco and I'm poor, man, so I don't mind. If you're one of those people who shops at multiple grocery stores, there are definitely some things that are more expensive here than at Walmart (like the frozen foods) but even so, the prices are super reasonable. My favorite part of the whole store is the self-serve bins, from spices to chips to cookies, you can bag up all your own stuff. I just think that's so cool. As for bagging your own groceries, usually my fiancé bags the groceries so maybe it'll seem more inconvenient when I start going by myself but for now I don't mind and we only use debit so the no credit thing doesn't bother us either. But as long as there's a Winco around, I will always be a customer. I have been swept off my feet.