I would put no stars at all if that were possible... I went in today for the black bean soup. My cashier's name was Raquel. When I asked for a pint of soup she looked at me as if I didn't know what I was talking about and with attitude asks, "did you mean the group soup?" (I've worked at Paradise Bakery. On the computer it does say group soup, but if you know your job you would also know that "group soup" comes in a pint-sized container.) I agreed that yes I want to group soup, and asked if I can also get a side of pepper jack cheese to go with it. She said "Let me go ask how to ring that up." She came back with a guy named Renee who promptly told me "We don't sell our cheese." I said "I understand that but I just bought soup, I can't get a side of cheese with my soup?" He said "Well our cheese is more expensive than our soup." Raquel then interrupts him with so much attitude in her voice and says "Target sells cheese. Why don't you get pepper jack cheese at target?" I left without buying anything after this remark.
THANK YOU RAQUEL, for pointing out that I can buy cheese at target. Come to think of it, I can also buy SOUP.