Crossfit Infinite Strength has become an indispensable part of my life and fitness, enabling me to set and exceed goals and conquer movements that I have been unable to achieve in other gym environments. Each of the coaches are 100% accessible, and constantly engaged in helping members in the quest for proper form and fitness. The Crossfit 101 program is especially useful in promoting safety and teaching members to get the most out of crossfit exercises, but the learning continues ad infinitum as members explore increasingly nuanced variations and adjustments to beat yesterday's records. Motivation comes not only from the coaches, who provide a constant outpour of support, but also from fellow members and the camaraderie they provide. The Infinite Strength community, filled with interesting and affable people from varying walks of life, adds tremendous value to the gym that I have never experienced nor seen replicated anywhere else. The facility is spacious, well-equipped, and clean, reflecting the pride that both owners and members feel regarding the gym.