This hotel stinks. Today the WiFi doesn't work. The front desk people are not the least bit considerate about it. They keep telling me it will be working in one more hour, but time keeps passing and nothing happens. We I went down to the lobby to access the wifi I was told it wasn't working there either. When I confronted them they happened to let slip that they have been working on it since yesterday afternoon. It is working on higher floors and its quite early, but they won't give me another room that has WiFi. I'm paying over $200 a night and after all, this is a Hyatt "Regency". I even asked for a reduction in my room rate and the best they could offer me was complementary access to the business center. That's pathetic.
A month ago I made a reservation for a king bed and they told me the only thing available for a handicap accessible room. I argued with the front desk clerk and got the same inconsiderate response. What ever happened to customer service at Hyatts?